Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Thank you everyone who emailed or called. Anakin is doing great. He got out of the hospital last Thursday and we've been having fun ever since.

Saturday my eldest child (Alexander) turned 10 (and I turned 35).

Sunday Alex and Mackenzie (my 8-year-old daughter) played in their first D&D game. Granted that it was 4E, but everyone has to start somewhere. The two of them and a bunch of their friends sat down and played. Alex played a dragonborn paladin named Dorax; Mackenzie played a human cleric (her "normal" character is a halfling rogue) named Hewoman; their friend Daniel played a dwarf fighter named Dwarf Man; and Daniel's brother played an eladrin wizard named Warlock. Their friend Derrik (who will "normally" play the human cleric) was at a football game and couldn't make it. I ran the game (right out of the 4E starter box). I guess the kids want me to run every Saturday afternoon for them. We'll see how that goes.

Monday was Labor Day. My friend Brian emailed me a 30-day renewal for Warcraft. Damn him! I was almost free from my near crack-like addiction to WoW. Guess it'll have to wait another month. ;-)

Wednesday (today) is the first day of school in this neck of the woods and 3/4 of the kids went to school this morning (Alex, Mackenzie, and my 4-year-old Samantha). Oh how glorious it is to have the house back and silence reigns. Now if I could only get my remote to work on my wife, is a wonderful button. Don't get me wrong, I love her. But like all women, she seems to feel that if I am sitting in silence, I must be suffering and she attempts to fill the serenity I have found with innane prattle.